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Your choice to implement xcNFT into your Parachain means a lot to us! Feel free to provide feedback or suggestions in form of issue in this GitHub repository!
Don't yet know what xcNFT has to offer? Head to User guide section for overview.
Let's get you started.
Implementing xcNFT 👨💻
Following subsection guides you through the implementation phase of xcNFT
Here are the steps that you should follow:
Copy code from the following folder into your Parachain's pallets folder.
Setup dependencies in xcNFT's
to latest versions and try to compile your Parachain's code.
Runtime setup ⚙️
xcNFT requires minimal runtime config:
impl pallet_parachain_xcnft::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = pallet_parachain_xcnft::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;;
type XcmSender = xcm_config::XcmRouter;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type ProposalTimeInBlocks = proposal_time_in_blocks_parameter; //How long should proposals for moving collections with different owners last? 100800 for approximately 2 weeks.
type MaxOwners = max_owners_parameter; //How many owners can be in the collection? Should be limited to pallet_nfts configuration.
For your chain to be compatible with xcNFT of other chains, make sure to name module in same exact way as provided below:
pub type XcnftPallet = pallet_parachain_xcnft;
Also do not forget to add xcNFT pallet to cargo.toml
pallet-parachain-xcnft = { VERSION HERE }
//Also include it into STD
//Also into runtime benchmarks
//And try-runtime
XCM Setup 🔬
The only tweak, that you should do to your XCM config is, to enable aliasers:
type Aliasers = Everything; //Only enable to Everything in testnet enviroment!